
Showing posts from October, 2016

Computer knowgedge & facts

☞. *P D F* का मतलब है? उत्तर:- *Portable Document Format.* ☞. *H T M L* का मतलब है? उत्तर:- *Hyper Text Mark up Language.* ☞. *N E F T* का मतलब है? उत्तर:- *National Electronic Fund Transfer.* ☞. *M I C R* का मतलब है? उत्तर:- *Magnetic Inc Character Recognition.* ☞. *I F S C* का मतलब है? उत्तर:- *Indian Financial System Code.* ☞. *I S P* का मतलब है? उत्तर:- *Internet Service Provider.* ☞. *E C S* का मतलब है? उत्तर:- *Electronic Clearing System.* ☞. *C S T* का मतलब है? उत्तर:- *Central Sales Tax.* ☞. *CRR* का मतलब है? उत्तर:- *Cash Reserve Ratio.* ☞. *U D P* का मतलब है? उत्तर:- *User Datagram Protocol.* ☞. *R T C* का मतलब है? उत्तर:- *Real Time Clock.* ☞. *I P* का मतलब है? उत्तर:- *Internet Protocol.* .☞. *C A G* का मतलब है? उत्तर:- *Comptroller and Auditor General.* .☞. *F E R A* का मतलब है? उत्तर:- *Foreign Exchange Regulation Act.* ☞. *I S R O* का मतलब है? उत्तर:- *International Space Research organization.* ☞. *I S D N* का मतलब है? उत्तर:- *Integrat...

United Nations Celebrates Diwali For the First Time.पहली बार United Nations ने मनाई दिवाली, जगमगा उठा मुख्यालय

संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने पहली बार मनाई दिवाली, भारत ने दिया धन्यवाद “Light over darkness, hope over despair, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil — the UN lights up. Happy Diwali!” tweets UNGA president Peter Thomson New York : The United Nations for the first time is celebrating the Indian festival of lights - Diwali, at its Headquarters in New York after it was declared as a non-meeting day and was recognized by the 69th session of the UN General Assembly through a resolution adopted on 29th December 2014. The UN headquarter in New York was lit up on Saturday evening and displayed a lamp with the message of "Happy Diwali" written in blue light to celebrate the spirit of the festival. The lamp will continue to be lit for three evenings. Syed Akbaruddin, India's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN, shared a photograph of the decorated building on micro blogging site Twitter. Syed Akbaruddin   ✔ @AkbaruddinIndia Happy Diwali! @ UN  ce...

उतरी अमरीकी देश कनाडा में अक्टूबर का महीना” Hindu Month” के रूप में घोषित

आज हम सभी हिन्दुओ के एक बड़ी खुश खबरी बताने जा रहे है कनाडा की सरकार ने अब ये घोषणा कर दी है कि कनाडा में अक्टूबर का महीना  “हिन्दू मंथ”  यानी  हिन्दू महीने  के रूप में मनाया जाएगा | जैसा कि आप सभी को मालूम है हिन्दुओ के सभी प्रमुख त्यौहार अक्टूबर महीने में ही आते है जैसे नवरात्री, दशहरा,धनतेरस ,गोवर्धन पूजा और हर दो साल में दीपावली भी अक्टूबर के महीने में ही आती है इसलिए कनाडा कि सरकार ने भी अक्टूबर का महीना  “हिन्दू महीने”  के रूप में मनाने का फैसला लिया है| आपको बता दे कि अमरीका ऑस्ट्रेलिया, यूरोप, कनाडा में हिन्दू व्यक्ति का सम्मान होता है भारत से बाहर इन विकसित देशो में हिन्दू होना अपने आप में गर्व कि बात है  इसके विपरीत भारत में अगर हमारे प्रधानमंत्री ने दशहरे पर जय श्री राम भी कह दिया तो सेक्युलर लोग नाराज़ हो जाते है हमारे देश में ऐसे ही बहुत से सेक्युलर और वामपंथी लोग है.

संतोष से सुख

एक आदमी ने भगवान बुद्ध से पुछा : जीवन का मूल्य क्या है? बुद्ध ने उसे एक Stone दिया और कहा : जा और इस stone का  मूल्य पता करके आ , लेकिन ध्यान रखना stone को बेचना नही है I वह आदमी stone को बाजार मे एक संतरे वाले के पास लेकर गया और बोला : इसकी कीमत क्या है? संतरे वाला चमकीले stone को देखकर बोला, "12 संतरे लेजा और इसे मुझे दे जा" आगे एक सब्जी वाले ने उस चमकीले stone को देखा और कहा  "एक बोरी आलू ले जा और इस stone को मेरे पास छोड़ जा" आगे एक सोना बेचने वाले के  पास गया उसे stone दिखाया सुनार उस चमकीले stone को देखकर बोला, "50 लाख मे बेच दे" l उसने मना कर दिया तो सुनार बोला "2 करोड़ मे दे दे या बता इसकी कीमत जो माँगेगा वह दूँगा तुझे.. उस आदमी ने सुनार से कहा मेरे गुरू ने इसे बेचने से मना किया है l आगे हीरे बेचने वाले एक जौहरी के पास गया उसे stone दिखाया l जौहरी ने जब उस बेसकीमती रुबी को देखा , तो पहले उसने रुबी के पास एक लाल कपडा बिछाया फिर उस बेसकीमती रुबी की परिक्रमा लगाई माथा टेका l फिर जौहरी बोला , "कहा से लाया है ये बेसकीमती रुबी? सारी कायनात , स...

Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

Most of the time, the difference between instilling a growth mindset or a fixed mindset in a child is very subtle. Both can involve praise but one places value on the process of learning  while the other one is fixed on  the outcome of learning. A growth mindset creates a passion for learning rather than a hunger for approval which a fixed mindset is more likely to achieve. It’s especially important in children where cultivating a growth mindset will form a notion of non-failure. In other words, a fixed mindset will cause a child to perceive failure if they haven’t achieved a task, whereas a child with a growth mindset is unlikely to see themselves as failing despite not having achieved what they set out to achieve. Examples of Common Fixed and Growth Mindset Phrases Growth mindset is all about emphasis on a child’s capability rather than on how smart and intelligent they are. Here are some common conversations that show the difference between each mindset. Fixe...
For People who are trying for UPSC Civil Services / other exams :::: What you need to do ::: 1. Newspaper is very important , so make a habit to read and never forget to make notes out of it . Because at last you can revise your own made notes not the whole lot of newspaper . 2. Make a habit of solving questions while studying . This will really help you to understand well . Also where you go wrong , try to write it down . 3. Come out of your lazy environment and just think that a limited period of smart and hard work would give you or show you the path you desired . 4. Also be aware of the negative and sad people who either have the habit of cribbing or have the habit of pointing out fingers to other . 5. Make a rule that you will avoid time pass and you will do hardcore study which is required . All the besttttttt .. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- जरुर पढ़े : सच्चे और अनम...

This Man With A ‘Fucked Up’ Life

One such courageous post that I recently came across was in a subreddit called TIFU (Today I Fucked Up). It was written by a 46-year old man who goes by the name  John Jerryson  and he spoke about how life had been to him. From the issues that he had in life to what his past was and the regrets that he carries on his chest, this man spoke his heart out. But what I loved the most about it was the message it gave – inspiring! Do give a read. TIFU. More like the whole life really. Hi, my name’s John. I’ve been lurking for a while, but I’ve finally made an account to post this. I need to get my life off my chest. About me. I’m a 46-year-old banker and I have been living my whole life the opposite of how I wanted. All my dreams, my passion, gone. In a steady 9-7 job. 6 days a week. For 26 years. I repeatedly chose the safe path for everything, which eventually changed who I was. Today I found out my wife has been cheating on me for the last 10 years. My son feels n...

Why Hart & Holmstrom won the Nobel Prize in Economics?

Oliver Hart  and  Bengt Holmstrom  won the Nobel prize in Economics  ( also known as  Central Bank of Sweden Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences)  in 2016 for their contributions to the ‘contract theory.’  Their work in contract theory helps us to: Understand real-life contracts. Understand potential pitfalls (difficulties) in designing the contracts. Design better contracts. NOBEL PRIZE IN ECONOMICS Unlike Nobel prizes in other areas, the economics award is a collaboration between the Central Bank of Sweden, known as the Sveriges Riksbank, and the Nobel Foundation. The Nobel prize in Economics was first awarded in the year 1968. Last year the award was given to Angus Deaton for his analysis of consumption, poverty, and welfare.  CONTRACT THEORY Contracts are ubiquitous. We see them everywhere. Some examples of contracts are contracts between employer and employee ( employment contract ), shareholders and CEO (employmen...